Therapeutic Guidelines has launched a new technology platform and mobile app to support more frequent content updates and modernise authentication processes. Our customers can download the new app from the Apple or Google Play Store. Major content updates to Palliative Care and Rheumatology are now available. Also, users can access a significant update to Toxicology and Toxicology, plus more than 100 additional updates across other guidelines.
The new issue addresses 2 challenges in clinical practice: medicine shortages and inhaler devices for people with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and more.
The new release of Australian Prescriber covers biologic treatments for severe asthma, obstructive sleep apnoea management, the 2023 Australian Guideline for Assessing and Managing Cardiovascular Disease Risk, and more.
The new release of Australian Prescriber covers the management of pre-existing diabetes prior to and during pregnancy, hypercholesterolaemia, eosinophilic oesophagitis, and the concept of therapeutic inertia. Also, a case study investigates a body builder’s severe liver injury after using the supplement RAD-140 (a SARM).
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