
NEWS Australian Prescriber New Release: August Issue

New Release: Australian Prescriber August Issue

PUBLISHED: 20 August 2024
Explore the new Australian Prescriber issue: Volume 47 Issue 4.

The issue highlights polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition that affects 1 in 8 women globally with significant public health impacts. In primary care, needlestick injuries and other blood or body fluid exposures require assessment of both the exposed person and the source – the article on this topic provides practical guidance for GPs.

The issue also includes an article in our diagnostic test series on the utility of common investigations for suspected inflammatory arthritis, and an editorial that proposes a solution to the long-standing challenge of achieving safe medication management during transitions of care.

Letters to the Editor:
Australian Prescriber is Australia’s free, national, independent peer-reviewed journal providing critical commentary on drugs and therapeutics. Published bimonthly, it supports health professionals to make informed choices when prescribing.

The next Australian Prescriber podcast episode will be released on 27 August 2024. If you haven’t already, listen to the latest episodes on Deprescribing antihypertensives in frail older adults and on New and emerging drug therapies for Alzheimer disease.

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