Dr Hung The Nguyen is a General Practitioner in Private General Practice and in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service. Hung currently sits on these boards, South East Melbourne Primary Health Network and Health Education Australia Limited. He is the inaugural Censor for the RACGP National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Faculty. He is a Councillor on the AMA Victoria Council and the Victorian Clinical Council where he is also on the Executive Committee. Through his directorship appointments, he is concerned with positive patient journeys through the health system and patient engagement in the quality improvement process in health care.
Mr Mark Robertson
Deputy Chair
Mr Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson is a private consultant and non-executive director who specialises in research and educational publishing, organizational development, business in the Asia Pacific, and career and leadership mentoring. With 40 years in the publishing industry, Mark has extensive senior executive and board experience. He is currently the Development Director for Asia Pacific for CHOR Inc (CHORUS), Deputy Board Chair of the Media Centre for Educational Research Australia (MCERA) and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Mr Guy Cooper
Mr Guy Cooper
Guy Cooper is a technology entrepreneur and the Managing Director of Wave Digital. He is a Chartered Accountant and has more than 23 years’ experience as a Senior Executive in the technology and finance sectors across a range of industries, having previously held CFO/COO and Company Secretary roles. Guy is also a Board Director for Eating Disorders Victoria.
Mr Tony Evans
Mr Tony Evans
Tony Evans has financial and corporate governance experience as a senior executive and a board member in the health, aged care, education, resources and not-for-profit sectors. Tony is currently a Board Director of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and the Australian Dental Council Ltd and a member of the Optometry Board of Australia. He has a Bachelor of Business and a Diploma in Education and is a Fellow of CPA Australia, the Governance Institute of Australia and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Professor Paul Glasziou
Professor Paul Glasziou
Professor Glasziou is a medical researcher and part-time General Practitioner. As a consequence of observing the gap between these, he has focused his work on identifying and removing the barriers to using high quality research in everyday clinical practice. He was editor of the BMJs journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, and Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford from 2003-2010. He is the author of several other books related to evidence based practice. He is currently the recipient of an NHRMC Australia Fellowship which he commenced at Bond University in July, 2010.
Professor Michael Kidd
Professor Michael Kidd
Professor Michael Kidd AM is the Principal Medical Advisor and Deputy Chief Medical Officer with the Australian Government Department of Health, and Professor of Primary Care Reform at the Australian National University. He has worked for over 35 years as a general practitioner, with special interests in the care of people with HIV, mental health and indigenous health. Michael is a past president of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Dr Elizabeth Marles
Dr Elizabeth Marles
Dr Elizabeth Marles is the President of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and has been a member of the RACGP Council since 2008. Liz is Director of the Hornsby General Practice Unit, which specialises in GP Teaching, particularly registrar remediation and prevocational education. For the past 15 years Liz has also been a GP at the Aboriginal Medical Service in Redfern, where she is a GP supervisor with a special interest in diabetes, and presenter in the aboriginal health training component of GP Synergy’s registrar teaching program. Liz is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and was a foundation Director on the General Practice Education and Training Board. She is passionate about general practice training, Aboriginal health and the future of general practice.
Professor Debra Rowett
Professor Debra Rowett
Professor Debra Rowett B.Pharm, Adv Prac Pharm, FANZCAP, FPS Discipline Leader Pharmacy, Clinical and Health Sciences, UniSA and Director of the Drug and Therapeutics Information Service (DATIS), Southern Adelaide Local Health Network. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the quality use of medicines, inter-professional practice, health policy and workforce development, with special interest in implementation science, aged care, and palliative care. Debra is the immediate past President of the Council of Pharmacy Schools: Australia and New Zealand.
Ms Angela Ryan
Ms Angela Ryan
Ms Angela Ryan has over 30 years’ experience in hospitals and public sector organisations as a clinician, health informatician and executive across local, state and federal settings, leading large scale digital health programs and policy reform. More recently, Ms Ryan joined Oracle Health as a Lead Healthcare Executive. She was a founding Fellow, Vice Chair and current Board non-executive director of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health, former President of the Australasian College of Health Informatics, former Chief Clinical Information Officer at the Australian Digital Health Agency and Churchill Fellow. Ms Ryan is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Executive Leaders
Our Executive Leaders
Leigh-Anne Claase
Chief Executive Officer
Leigh-Anne Claase
Leigh has been loving her work in Medical Publishing for over 20 years now. She started professional life as a Pharmacist, tried her hand briefly in Academia, then eventually fell into, and relished, a junior editor role at the British National Formulary in London. A fortunate convergence of events led Leigh to relocate to Melbourne to join Therapeutic Guidelines in 2013—and it’s been never a dull moment since then.
Leanne Russell
Company Secretary
Leanne Russell
Leanne Russell joined Therapeutic Guidelines in 2018 as Company Secretary. She holds a range of business and governance qualifications including a Master of Business Administration and is an Associate Member of the Governance Institute of Australia. Leanne has extensive experience in providing governance advice to boards and executive management in the not-for-profit and public sectors. Outside of work she enjoys cooking, gardening and photography trips.
Emma Juniper
Executive Director Publishing
Emma Juniper
Anthony Hilker
Executive Director Sales and Marketing
Anthony Hilker
Tony became the Sales and Marketing Executive Director of Therapeutic Guidelines in 2024. He holds degrees in Commerce and Arts and brings a wealth of global experience in strategic business development within the healthcare and academic publishing sectors.
Outside of work, Tony loves spending time outdoors with his family and their dog, enjoying activities like fishing, playing cricket, and embracing life to the fullest.
Con Horaitis
Executive Director Technology
Con Horaitis
Con leads the Technology function at Therapeutic Guidelines, overseeing strategy, product development, operations, infrastructure, projects, and application support. He is responsible for creating business and customer value through the delivery of innovative technology solutions, working to enable Therapeutic Guidelines' strategic vision and organisational purpose.
Con brings extensive experience to Therapeutic Guidelines, having successfully managed and delivered large-scale technology transformation programs, industry-wide applications and projects, business process transformations, global technology strategies, and security and governance frameworks for some of the world's largest organisations across multiple industries. He is also known for consistently building and nurturing high-performance teams.
Con holds an MBA, a B.Tech, and multiple industry-recognised certifications in compliance, risk, security, engineering, project, and operational management.
In his spare time, Con enjoys spending time with family and friends and scuba diving.
Sonia Kokkalos
Executive Director - People & Corporate Services
Sonia Kokkalos
Our Members
Jo-Anne Allardice
David Ames
Donald John Birkett
New South Wales
Nicholas Carr
Leigh-Anne Claase
Jonathan Dartnell
Susan Daskalakis
John Stuart Dowden
Australian Capital Territory
Anthony Rhys Evans
Western Australia
Gary Franks
New South Wales
Kirstie Galbraith
Jessica Gibney
Paul Phillip Glasziou
Michael Lindsay Grayson
Peter Greenberg
Kenneth John Harvey
Marcus John Harvey
Mary Hemming
Ingrid Hopper
Luciana Ignatiadis
Garry Jennings
Jennifer Mary Johnstone
Rodney Thomas Judson
Heath Kelly
Western Australia
Michael Richard Kidd
New South Wales
Richard Kneebone
Lisa Kruesi
Amy Legg
Jo-Anne Manski- Nankervis
Andrea Ruth Mant
New South Wales
Elizabeth Marles
New South Wales
John Ernest Marley
New South Wales
Frank Wesley May
South Australia
Chris Mitchell
New South Wales
Geoff Mitchell
Robert Francis Westland Moulds
Timothy Kevin Murphy
Carol Norquay
Hung The Nguyen
Allison Patterson
Sue Margaret Phillips
Mark Robertson
Ian Rogers
Western Australia
Louis Roller
Melanie Rosella
Elizabeth Ellen Roughead
South Australia
Debra Sharon Rowett
South Australia
John Scally
Gillian Shenfield
New South Wales
Beverley Frances Snell
Sue Tett
John Walter Gell Tiller
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
Australian Capital Territory
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians
New South Wales
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners